Proxigroup Limited Liability Company executes the project called “Proxigroup” on the basis of the Support Agreement concluded on 18 September 2020 with Tech-Impact Fund Sp. z o.o. based in Krakow, Tech-Impact Fund Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ASI sp. k. based in Kraków and the National Centre for Research and Development based in Warsaw, co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020, Measure 1.3: R&D work financed with the participation of capital funds, Sub-measure 1.3.1: Support for R&D projects in the preseed phase by proof of concept funds – Bridge Alfa.
The project concerns the development and implementation of predictive analysis in the framework of the operating ProxiTrak platform for real-time tracking of physical objects.
The Project’s main effect will be a real-time resource tracking platform for IoT (Internet of things), based on Big Data analysis, telecom technologies, and Business Intelligence. The platform integrates asset management and logistics in IoT, allowing effective combining of measurable physical parameters with Cloud Platforms in real-time.
The platform eliminates the problem of ‘invisibility’ of some of the data related to currently used solutions only reproducing the real state with delay, limited efficiency of Big Data data processing, hardware, and cost limitations related to applied RFID solutions.
The ProxiTrak platform is currently a commercial IoT RFID platform for industrial applications. Currently, the platform is used to remotely monitor multiple inventory levels simultaneously, in real-time, in a friendly 3D environment. The system architecture is based on the cloud (SaaS/RaaS).
The total amount of investment in the R&D Project within the funds from the Investor Value of the project: 1.050.000,00 PLN.
Amount of EU funding for the project: 840.000.00 PLN.